NRSWA Streetworks Reassessment – Operatives or Supervisors
Streetworks Qualifications
To obtain any Streetworks ID card candidates must undertake any of the complex units below applicable to their job role at our Centre plus Units LA & Unit 01 or S1 which are mandatory with any other combination of units.
NRSWA Streetworks units LA – 08 Operatives
LA Location & Avoidance of Underground Apparatus
- 01 Signing Lighting & Guarding
- 02 Excavation In the Highway
- 03 Reinstatement and Compaction of Backfill Materials
- 04 Reinstatement of Sub- Base and Road Base in Non-Bituminous Materials
- 05 Reinstatement of Cold lay Bituminous materials
- 08 Reinstatement of Modular Surfaces and Concrete Footways
NRSWA Streetworks units LA – S7 Supervisors
LA Monitoring Location & Avoidance of Underground Apparatus
S1 Monitoring Signing Lighting & Guarding
S2 Monitoring Excavation In the Highway
S3 Monitoring Reinstatement and Compaction of Backfill Materials
S4 Monitoring Reinstatement of Sub- Base and Road Base in Non-Bituminous Materials
S5 Monitoring Reinstatement of Hot Lay & Cold Lay Bituminous Materials
S7 Monitoring Reinstatement of Modular Surfaces and Concrete Footways