Time is running out for high-rise residential buildings to be registered with the Building Safety Regulator (BSR).

The new watchdog will better protect people who live in high-rise buildings. It was set up as part of the Government’s response to the Grenfell fire.

If anyone lives in a building in England that is 18 metres tall or higher, or at least seven storeys tall, it must be registered with BSR. So far more than 10,080 registrations have started.

It will be a criminal offence for any qualifying building not to be registered with the new regulator after 1 October 2023. Registration opened in April 2023.

Those responsible for high-rise buildings not registered by the deadline could face significant sanctions, including prosecution.

Chris Griffin-McTiernan, Deputy Chief Inspector of Buildings at BSR, said: “I would encourage any organisation that has not registered their high-rise building, to do so now. There is guidance available to help you comply with the law.

“The creation of this register is a major step forward in terms of building safety in England. Residents themselves will soon have access to the register. This new transparency will shift power towards those who live in these buildings. Residents deserve the better oversight we will be able to provide with the register.”

BSR has been running a major marketing and engagement campaign since April this year to encourage registrations. This includes a programme of over thirty stakeholder events to help people with the process.

Original Article: https://press.hse.gov.uk/2023/09/20/time-running-out-as-deadline-to-register-high-rise-buildings-nears/